Investigating the Impact of Competitiveness on entrepreneurial activities (Case study of Factor-driven, Efficiency-driven and innovation-driven countries)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Management in Entrepreneurship Management, Gonbad Kavous University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Administrative and Economic Sciences, Gonbad Kavous University


Competitiveness is a key measure for assessing the degree to which countries are successful in creating employment, improving the business environment and creating entrepreneurial activities. Competitiveness in this study has been measured based on Global Economic Forum database and Entrepreneurial activities using the Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEI) over the period 2016-2012. Emperical results, using panel data with fixed effects, showed that the competitiveness pillars, including technological readiness, higher education, infrastructure, institutions and innovation, negatively and merely market size positively affected the entrepreneurial process in resource-based countries. In efficiency-driven countries, only market size has not had a significant effect. Among other factors, labor market performance and infrastructure have negatively affected the entrepreneurial process in these countries, and the impact of other pillars has been positive. Finally, the efficiency of the labor market, financial market development, institutions, market size, technological readiness, higher education and innovation have affected the process of entrepreneurship in innovation-oriented countries. In general, the results of model estimation indicate that the impact of competitiveness factors on the level of entrepreneurial activity in different countries varies according to the stage of development of countries. In general, the results of model estimation indicate that the impact of competitiveness factors on the level of entrepreneurial activity in different countries varies according to the stage of development of countries.


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