Institutional Quality, Trade, and Tourism Development: A Hierarchical Linear Modelling Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professo, Tourism Economic Department, Institute of Tourism Research, ACECR (Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research), Mashhad, Iran

2 PhD of Economic, Tourism Economic Department, Institute of Tourism Research, ACECR (Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research), Mashhad, Iran



This article tries to answer the question of how institutional quality and trade can be effective in tourism development and which institutional factor among the indicators of good governance will have the greatest impact on tourism. For this purpose, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method was used to calculate a weighted average for two indices of Institutional Quality and Tourism Development. Then, taking into account the possibility of differences in countries and regions, using Multilevel Regression Modeling (MRM) and estimates in 5 regions of Africa, Arab countries, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, and North America, Latin America and the Caribbean Sea, and in 119 countries were made between 2002 and 2020.
The results of the inter-class correlation coefficient showed that most of the differences are between countries and the region in which the countries are located is not the criterion for the differences in tourism development. Also, the year variable has appeared with 0.048 positive and significant influence on the explanatory variable in the model. The results related to the coefficients of the variables showed that institutional quality, trade index, and per capita income will have a positive and significant effect on the tourism index, and inflation will have a negative effect on the development of tourism. Also, among the individual indicators of good governance, Political Stability, and Regulatory Quality with a positive sign and corruption control with a negative sign appeared significantly in the results.


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