Investigating the Effects of Exchange Rate Change on the Trade Balance: The Generalized Marshall-Lerner Condition Approach to in accordance with the conditions of Iran's economy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D Candidate in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

3 - Ph.D Candidate in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.



In order to investigate the effect of the devaluation of the national currency on the net export of Iran's economy, the two-stage least squares method was used, considering Iran's special conditions, in the generalized Marshall Lerner conditional equation. The results show simple Marshall Lerner condition is not appropriate for examining the effects of exchange rate variation on the trade balance of the Iranian economy due to its assumptions. This condition, only, consider the demand for exports and imports. Since about 85% of Iran's imports include intermediate and capital goods, the effect of the exchange rate directly affects the cost of output and this has significant effects on the prices and elasticities of export goods. Therefore, it is necessary to amend this condition according to the specific conditions of the Iranian economy. In this paper, the extension Marshall Lerner condition in Iran for the period of 1981-2020 has been estimated. The results show that this condition is not met for Iran's economy. Therefore, the policy of devaluation of the national currency does not have a significant effect on the improvement of the country's trade balance, and the economic policy maker should consider other solutions to increase exports. The policy makers must find an alternative solution to increase exports. For example, consider export diversification to improve export performance.


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