Spatial analysis of technology, information and communication in attracting tourists in the provinces of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Payam-e-Noor University,Tehran, Iran

2 PhD student in Economics, Department of Economics and Management, Urmia University



The development of technology, information, and communication can boost the tourism industry by further identifying and facilitating access to the attractions and facilities of tourist destinations, and since the recognition of tourist destinations is usually accompanied by the identification of adjacent regions and the tourists tend to travel visit adjacent regions. Therefore, the development of information and communication technology can also have the effects of spatial overflow and increase the number of tourists in adjacent regions. Thus, in This study, the impact of information and communication technology on tourist attraction among the provinces was investigated with a spatial econometric approach during the period 2011-2019. The results show that ICT development, the number of specialist physicians, the number of cultural centers, length of roads (freeways and highways), have positive and significant effects on destinations and neighboring provinces' tourist attraction also the results indicated that direct and spatial elasticity of information and communication technology of tourists for the target provinces and neighboring provinces is more than the elasticity of other factors affecting tourism, Which shows that neighboring and nearby provinces has significant contribution on each other's tourism industry growth and development of by developing mutual relations and specific regional planning.
Key words: tourism, Information and Communications Technology, spillover effects.


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