Evaluating the energy - water nexus in the economic sectors of Isfahan and Yazd based on two regional input - output analysis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc Graduated of Environmental Economics, Department of Economics, Management and Accounting, Yazd university

2 Professor Economics, Department of Economics, Management and Accounting university Yazd

3 PHD Student in Economics, Sistan and Baluchestan University


In this research, the data-output model of two regions in order to measure and analyze water and energy relations between the economic sectors of Isfahan and Yazd and the link model to investigate the hybrid flow of two sources and the extent of link effects in each region in 2011 Used. The analysis shows that the two sectors of "water, electricity and gas" in Isfahan province and "manufacturing of non-metallic mineral products" in Yazd province are known as the most consumed sector in the field of energy consumption. Also, based on the estimated results in the present study, the "agriculture" sector in both provinces is known as the most consumed sector in the field of water. The results of combined energy and water flow show that the two sections "Making non-metallic mineral products" and "Agriculture" in Yazd have the largest hybrid energy and hybrid water flow, respectively. It has hybrid water. Regarding the analysis of the total energy and water flow between sectors in two regions, it can be mentioned that in Isfahan province, the two sectors of "basic metals" and "coke production, products from refining oil and nuclear fuels and manufacturing of chemical materials and products" as Important sectors in the field of export and import between the energy sector and the sectors of "agriculture" and "other services" in the field of export and import between the water sector are known. In the field of water resources, the "Agriculture" and "Other Services" sectors are the largest exporters and importers, respectively, and are known as the key sectors of Yazd province for the management of energy and water resources.


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