Investigating the Factors Affecting Financial Development with Emphasis on Oil Rent and Institutional Quality (Selected Oil-Exporting Countries)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Accociate professor in Economics at Shahid Beheshti University

2 Master in economics at Shahid Beheshti University


In this study, the factors affecting financial development with emphasis on oil rent and institutional quality for a selection of oil exporting countries during the years 2002-2018 have been investigated using the GMM dynamic panel method. For this purpose, the multidimensional index of financial development of the International Monetary Fund and the index of good governance have been used. Findings show that oil rent has a negative effect on financial development, access to financial institutions and markets, depth of financial institutions and markets, financial market efficiency and a positive effect on the efficiency of financial institutions. Institutional quality also has a positive effect on all aspects of financial development, including the development of institutions and markets. Inflation is inversely related to financial development, access and depth of financial institutions, depth and efficiency of financial markets and directly related to efficiency of institutions and access to financial markets. GDP in the countries under study has a negative effect on all variables except the efficiency of financial institutions and population density has a positive effect on all dependent variables except access and efficiency of institutions and efficiency of financial markets. As a result, it is suggested that governance indicators be improved to achieve financial development and with proper management of oil resources to prevent its adverse effects.


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