The role of environmental rules on real business cycles: Guidelines for environmental policy in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper




One of the controversial issues among economists is the selection of optimal environmental strategies to control and stabilize the level of greenhouse gas emissions. In this study, considering a two-part closed economy considering the Iranian economy, the effect of productivity shocks on key macroeconomic variables under three policies targeting emission intensity, emission tax and carbon emission ceiling, in the form of a The stochastic dynamic general equilibrium model is investigated.
The results of simulation and analysis of the instantaneous reaction functions of the model demonstrate that under all policy scenarios, the transient momentum of productivity causes the variables to react in the direction of the momentum and what makes the difference between the policy scenarios. Slow is the intensity of the effect of productivity momentum on model variables. In emission tax policy, the sensitivity of model variables under the productivity impulse to the baseline scenario in which no policy has been applied Augments, and with the occurrence of the productivity impulse, the deviation of the model variables from equilibrium levels increases. In contrast, in the diffusion ceiling policy, the deviation of the model variables from equilibrium levels is reduced. Regarding the diffusion intensity policy, it can be concluded that the sensitivity of the model variables to the baseline scenario does not change significantly. Therefore, from the perspective of the sensitivity of the economy to the productivity shock, the preferred policy is the emission tax policy.


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