Investigating the Spillover Effects of Research and Development on Horizontal and Vertical Intra-Industry Trade in Iran’s Manufacturing Industries

Document Type : Research Paper




Horizontal and Vertical Intra-industry trade (HIIT and VIIT) determine the real competitive and relative advantages of countries considering the method and technology of production. In the course of development and expansion of its commercial relations, Iran requires a suitable pattern to identify and strengthen the competitive and relative advantages in efficiency sectors, as well. One of these sectors is the industry sector that development and growth of which need technological development. This, in turn, the development of technology affected from investment in domestic research and development (R&D) and purchase of foreign technology (capital and intermediate commodities).  Accordingly, in this research, the spillover effects of R&D on horizontal and vertical intra-industry trade in Iran’s manufacturing industries have been investigated. To this end, based on the latest available data of Iran’s manufacturing industries at the 4-digit aggregation level of ISIC classification during 2004- 2016, panel data estimation method has been used. The results of fixed effects estimation show that the accumulation of domestic and foreign R&D don’t have a positive effect on HIIT and VIIT. Also, results indicate that the spillover of accumulation of foreign R&D by import have a negative and significant effect on HIIT and VIIT but, the spillover of accumulation of foreign R&D by human capital has a positive and significant effect on HIIT and VIIT. Thus, it’s proposed to invest in human capital and R&D, in order to facilitate the absorption and dissemination of hidden imported technology in the intermediary and capital commodities of business partners, that this produce the qualifier commodities and help for increasing the intra-industry trade share in international level. 


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