Spatial Survey on the Impact of Export and Foreign Direct Investment on Employment

Document Type : Research Paper




The main objective of this study is to examine the effects of non-oil exports and foreign direct investment on employment, in a unified framework, by reviewing the information of 14 MENA member states in 2010-2018 using the Spatial econometrics  model. The explanatory variables studied in this study include exports, the degree of trade openness, gross domestic product, oil export, fixed capital and real wages, which were examined directly and indirectly and in general. The results of this study showed that exports and Foreign Direct Investment as important variables of this research have a direct and indirect role in increasing the employment of MENA member states. But the degree of trade openness has not had a positive impact on employment. In addition, real and fixed wages have been able to increase the employment of the countries under study. The variable oil export have had a negative impact on employment, which is a negative predicted oil export and according to empirical views. According to the results it is recommended to increase employment, improve international trade and reducing crude oil sales


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