Assess the comparative advantage of exporting chemical and petrochemical products using the opportunity cost of domestic resources

Document Type : Research Paper


1 , department of economics, Shiraz branch, Islamic azad university, Shiraz, Iran

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Iran has more than 33 trillion cubic meters of conventional natural gas reserves and 157 billion barrels of crude oil reserves. Therefore, it has a good potential and comparative advantage for the development of the petrochemical industry with the aim of completing the oil and gas value chain. According to statistical data in 2017-2018, these products have obtained 27% of the total value added of the industrial sector and 51% of the total exports of Iran. Considering the importance of this sub-sector of industry in the Iranian economy, this study examines the comparative advantage of four commodity codes for the production of refined petroleum products, the production of basic chemicals, the production of other chemical products and the production of raw plastics and synthetic rubber using the opportunity cost method of domestic resources in the period 2000 to 2017. According to the research results, in general, from 2000 to 2010, the comparative advantage of these goods has decreased, but from 2010 to 2017, the trend of comparative advantage has been increasing. Also, based on the results of the cost of non-tradable resources and the cost of wages until 2010 had the largest increase in the cost of production of these products and from 2010 to 2017 the increase in the exchange rate had the greatest impact on increasing the comparative advantage.


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