Efficiency Evaluation of Export Development Bank of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Alzahra University

2 PH.D. Student of Department of Economics, Semnan University and Extert of Export Development Bank of Iran, Semnan University


In the measurement of efficiency, combining the Artificial Neural Network and Analytical
Hierarchy Process Model is one of the best methods that hasnot problems with traditional
methods and artificial neural network such as: their inability to consider multiple input and
output indicators, intregration of efficiency scores and obtaining the overall ranking of
branches and their efficiency evaluating of the multiple output units. the present study
combining the Artificial Neural Network and Analytical Hierarchy Process Model by
applying an intermediary perspective, variables of total deposit, costs of attracting sources,
operational costs as input and total facilities, profits obtained by facilities and earnings
which obtained by non-facilities (charge) as output variables to measure, evaluate and
compare the efficiency of branches of the Export Development Bank of Iran from 2004 to
2014. The results of this study showed that, among the evaluated branches based on
comprehensive efficiency benchmark, Central and Zanjan branches were the most efficient
ones from 2004 to 2008 and 2008 to 2014 respectively.


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