Evaluation of the Effect of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Durable Goods Consumption by Urban Households in Iranian provinces

Document Type : Research Paper




The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of macroeconomic variables such as exchange rate, short-term interest rate, per capita income, unemployment rate on Durable Goods Consumption among urban households of Iran's provinces during 2006-2017. In this study, a random dynamic panel using the generalized spatial Durbin momentum model SGMM-DPD-SDM spatially generalized torque model using Arellano-Bover / Blundell-Bond Two-Step coefficients will be used to estimate the econometric model. Also, to determine the proximity matrix, the proximity and correlation method was used in the form of a 28 by 28 square matrix. The results showed that the real exchange rate with a factor of 11/735 had the most negative impact and the real per capita income with a factor of 8/102 had the most positive effect on the real on  Durable Goods Consumption. The real interest rate has the lowest effect with a coefficient of -0/133 and is almost in line with the experimental results, because buying foreign exchangeable durable goods is not subject to receiving facilities in the Iranian banking system and the share of domestic producers of durable goods can be exchanged in the Iranian market. This is exactly 25%, which confirms the strong impact of the exchange rate on reducing the Consumeof durable goods. Because durable goods that can be exchanged for import, whose price increases exactly with the exchange rate, in 2019, they have a 75% share of the Iranian market. Unemployment rate with a coefficient of -0/101 has a negative impact on purchasing power.


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