Analysis of energy consumption in sectors of industry and transportation (Integrated Approach LMDI methods and indicators)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Graduate student of Energy Economics from Allameh Tabatabaii University

2 Allameh Tabatabaei University, Faculty of Economics


In the present study surveyed the affecting factors on changes in energy consumption in the forms of energy intensity, structural and activity effects (in terms of million barrels of crude oil equivalent) by using Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) approach with additive method in form of chain-linked decomposition analysis, in two economic sectors including industry and transportation for the period of 2006-2014 in Iran. Also, by using the decoupling index, the analysis of the relationship between GDP growth and energy consumption in the total of the two sectors of industry and transport and energy consumption in the total of these two sections is discussed. The results show that energy consumption has increased during the study period in these two sections and these two sections experienced three states of non-decoupling, weak decoupling and negative decoupling. The structural effect of explaining changes in energy consumption and explaining the decoupling of energy consumption from GDP growth has the largest share, and this result indicates that the use of high energy industries has a greater share in changing energy consumption than other factors.


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