Asymmetric Effect of Shocks of Labor Force Gender Inequality on Iran's Economic Growth

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accounting, Yazd University

2 Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Yazd University

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Persian gulf University


The main objective of this research is to investigate the asymmetric effects of labor force gender inequality shocks on Iran's economic growth. In this regard, the nonlinear ARDL method has been used for the period 1345 to 1395. The results of the estimation showed that a positive or negative shock in gender inequality would have asymmetric effects on economic growh. The results also showed that the short-term effects of gender inequality shock are different from its long-term effects. The results showed that, the positive shock of the female employment share, in the long run, had a negative and significant effect; and the negative shock of women's employment share had a positive effect on economic growth; but in the short run, the results showed that the positive shock of women's employment has a significant positive effect on economic growth. In contrast to the negative shock, the share of women's employment with a lag period has a negative effect on economic growth, suggesting that reducing the share of men's employment and moving towards gender equality in employment will result economic growth in short-term.
The results showed that, the positive shock of the female employment share, in the long run, had a negative and significant effect; and the negative shock of women's employment share had a positive effect on economic growth; but in the short run, the results showed that the positive shock of women's employment has a significant positive effect on economic growth. In contrast to the negative shock, the share of women's employment with a lag period has a negative effect on economic growth, suggesting that reducing the share of men's employment and moving towards gender equality in employment will result economic growth in short-term.


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