About the Journal of Iranian Economic Issues
- Journal title: Quarterly Journal of New Economy and Trade (QJNET)
- Country: Iran
- Publisher: Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies (IHCS)
- Category: Economics
- Month and year of publication: March 2018
- Language: Persian or English (English Abstract)
- Journal Frequency: Quarterly Journal
- Format: Printed & Online
- Process of Review: Double-Blind Review
- Review Time: 3 to 4 months
- Cost of reviewing and publishing the article: None
- Access to Articles: Free (Open Access) & Full Text
- Indexed: Yes (Details)
Steps to review articles:
- Manuscript submission.
- Desk accept or rejection by editorial board or editor in chief.
- In case of acceptance for reviewing: Reviewing the manuscript by at least two reviewers.
- In case of asking revisions by the reviewers: Doing desired revisions in the manuscript by the authors and submission the revised manuscript along with a letter of response to reviewers.
- Final reviewing by a reviewer.
- In case of acceptance by the reviewer(s): checking the process and final review by editor in chief and editorial board.
- In case of final acceptance: Sending the manuscript to pass publish process.
contact us:
- Address: Ayenehvand St. (West 64), Kurdistan Exp., Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran.
- Postal Code: 1437774681
- Email: Journal1395@gmail.com
- Tel: +98-09395782331
- Fax: +98-21-88053222
Pages 1-28
Mohammad Borzouei Lamouki; Teymour Mohammadi; Esfandiar Jahangard; seyed mohamadreza seyed nourani; Mahnoush A.Milani