Keywords = G21
Financial Structure and Income Inequality in Iran

Volume 17, Issue 4, January 2023, Pages 3-26


Samira Ejtehadi; Mehrzad Ebrahimi; Hashem Zare

The Effect of Specialized Banks on Value Added of Iran Economy Sectors (FMOLS Co-Integrating Approach)

Volume 16, Issue 3, March 2022, Pages 131-162


Reza Fakhrian; Alireza Daghighi Asli; Marjan Damankeshideh

Financial Structure and Inflation in Iran

Volume 16, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 1-21


Mohammad Ali Aboutorabi; Mehdi Hajamini; Sahar Tohidi

The effect of exchange rate Overshooting and vehicle currency on Iran's trade with the countries of the Caspian region

Volume 16, Issue 2, February 2022, Pages 121-147


Majid Alizadeh ledari; Rahman Saadat; Esmaiel Abounoori

The Effect of E-Commerce on the Performance of Financial Markets (Evidence from Selected Developing Countries)

Volume 16, Issue 1, July 2021, Pages 155-177


mahdi hadi nejad; yadollah rajaei; ahmad naghilo; ashkan rahimzade


Volume 14, Issue 2, February 2020, Pages 25-54

a j; h s; m k