Author = Hojabr Kiani, Mambiz
Analysis of the Impact of Production Factors on Employment in Iranian Air Transport Industry

Volume 16, Issue 4, March 2022, Pages 133-159


Mehdi Niknejad; Mambiz Hojabr Kiani; Ahmad Sarlak; Maryam Khosnevis

Comparison of Asymmetric Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Iran's Trade Balance with Germany and Turkey

Volume 14, Issue 3, May 2020, Pages 1-17

Maryam Ebrahimi; k h; Abbas Memarnejad; farhad ghaffari

Internal and External Impacts of Research and Development (R&D) Financial Stimuli: Spatial Dynamic Panel Models Approach

Volume 14, Issue 1, November 2019, Pages 129-155


Rogayeh Nazari; Kambiz Hozhabr Kiani; Ghodratollah Emamverdi; kambiz PEIKARJOO